Gayle: I interviewed with a company two weeks ago, and they haven't notified me of a decision. I even tried emailing the recruiter - no response. Does this mean I'm rejected?
~ Sanjiv, New York
In one word: no. After you interview with a company, they will always tell you if you're rejected or not.
Delays can happen for many reasons, good, bad and neutral:
- They are going to give you an offer, but would like to have all their paperwork together.
- They prefer another candidate, but are waiting for her to make a decision. You are their second choice.
- The team is being "reorg'd" and the current headcount is unclear.
- Your recruiter went on vacation.
- The recruiting team is being reorg.
- You have a bad / lazy recruiter.
- One of the many people you interviewed with is slow about entering feedback.
Hang tight - they'll tell you, eventually. In the meantime, feel free to politely email or phone your recruiter every several days to check in.
Good luck!